#10tationHome: Our Promise. Our People. Our Package.
From delicious food to skilled service staff, 10tation event catering has always delivered the help you need, to solve your meal and event ideas. Quality, value and presentation have been, since the beginning, the pride and core strengths of our company. These ideas now serve us well as we adapt in the face of this extraordinary crisis. We’re changing, and will continue to change, until we become the best meal delivery service we can be. This, with a sole purpose of providing Canadians a trusted, online source of nutritious, wholesome, and homemade foods for your home…for your family. We are in this together, and as always, we’re here to help.
Although we are an essential service, we have, to date, followed the advice of health authorities, and suspended all operations. Now however, our team is unified in our desire to help, comfort and provide you with options. We are born to serve, and our employees recognize that our objective is to keep you and your loved ones connected, freeing up time for you to attend to your health, your children and their education, your work and finances, and other acts of kindness and generosity. These are your greatest assets, and our staff is ours. To protect them, the guests we deliver to, and the families they return to every day, we have new health and safety protocols in place. Our tight knit team will train with, motivate and educate each other. We will adhere to washing and cleaning guidelines, implement as many contact free and screening procedures as possible, and invest in personal protective equipment, so employees can have confidence, while they work and maintain physical distance.
#10tationHome Delivery Package
As we have watched our lives change, we’ve also watched closely, the food habits and offers that are evolving. We knew that if we were going to provide another option, it had to have added value. It had to provide you with an easy order process, a robust menu that changed weekly, and a solution for your entire family, for an entire day. It had to be healthy, it had to be homemade, and it had to be delivered seamlessly, with care…and instructions…to help support and strengthen your loved ones, and have a Family Day through food. So, what we’ve done is simple: We’ve created a program that serves 2-4: Breakfast, a Morning Snack, Lunch, an Afternoon Snack, Dinner, Desserts and a few family-friendly Add-ons…because our goal is to add…not subtract. We will schedule two days of delivery per week (Tuesday and Friday), each with the same menu, but each week, a full menu change, giving you the option for a well-deserved break and a reminder that we are all takings things…. One day at a time.
Our heartfelt thanks to all who have supported us in the past, and to all we will support in the future.
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Or follow us on Instagram here: @10tation_event_catering
For more details, and to place your quick, affordable Family Day Package, click below.